Neidio i'r prif gynnwy

Ynglŷn â Sgrinio

Mae prawf sgrinio’r fron yn chwilio am ganser y fron cyn i’r symptomau ymddangos. Bydd dod o hyd i ganser y fron yn gynnar yn rhoi’r siawns orau i chi o gael triniaeth lwyddiannus ac o oroesi’r canser.

Mae prawf sgrinio’r fron yn golygu cymryd pelydrau-x o'r fron, a elwir yn famogramau.   Cymerir o leiaf dau belydr-x o bob bron.   

Cynigir profion sgrinio’r fron bob tair blynedd i fenywod, sydd wedi'u cofrestru gyda meddyg, rhwng 50 oed a hyd at eu pen-blwyddi yn 70 oed.    

Ni chaiff menywod dros 70 oed wahoddiad ar gyfer sgrinio, ond gallwch gysylltu â Bron Brawf Cymru a gofyn am apwyntiad

Efallai y bydd angen i bobl sy’n trawsryweddol neu’n anneuaidd gael sgrinio’r fron.  I ddarganford mwy, ewch i gwybodaeth ar gyfer pobl sy'n trawsryweddol ac anneuaidd.

We will not screen women under 50 because the breast screening programme showed to benefit only women over 50. If you have symptoms, or are concerned about your family history, you should talk to your doctor.


About Breast Cancer

Breast cancer begins when cells in the breast begin to grow and accumulate to form a lump. This is also known as a tumour. As the cancer grows, cells can spread to other parts of the body. This can be life-threatening.

Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in the UK and affects one in seven women at some point in their lives.

The risk of getting breast cancer increases as you get older. About 4 in 5 cancers are discovered in women over the age of 50.

By finding cancer early and receiving better treatments, people affected by cancer live longer.

Find out more about signs and symptoms.

Read more information about breast cancer on the 111 Wales website.


Why are breast screening tests important?

Taking part in a breast screening test when you are invited will be something you can do to take care of your health.

Screening is important because:

  • it can find cancers when they are too small to see or feel

  • If cancer is treated early, it will give you the best chance of survival.


Darganfod mwy