Neidio i'r prif gynnwy

Dangosfwrdd Data Rhwydwaith Ymchwil Iechyd Ysgolion (SHRN).

Negeseuon Allweddol

  • Mental wellbeing has significantly decreased since 2017, particularly affecting girls.
  • The proportion of girls reporting low mental wellbeing scores has increased by 9.5 percentage points since 2017, and a similar reduction of 6.4 percentage points is seen in the proportion of girls reporting high mental wellbeing scores.*
  • Physical activity levels have reduced between 2017 and 2021 with less than 12% of girls in the most recent data meeting physical activity guidelines compared to almost 21% of boys.
  • Girls consistently report higher levels of feeling a lot of pressure from schoolwork than boys in every LA in Wales across all three years of the survey, but this gap has been widening over time (gap between boys and girls 8% in 2017, 10% in 2019, and almost 15% in 2021) with girls in Monmouthshire reporting highest every year (38% girls in Monmouthshire in 2021).
  • Since 2017 fewer students have reported being bullied or bullying others, this is particularly apparent in older students (Those who have been bullied age 16 in 2021 25.5% compared to 30.7% in 2017)

(* A low score is between 7 and 19.5 and a high score is above 27.5, scores are out of a total of 35)

Survey results about the health and wellbeing of secondary school aged children in Wales are presented in an interactive dashboard for the first time by Public Health Wales.


The dashboard has been created in collaboration with Cardiff University’s DECIPHer team. The aim of the collaboration was to help users view some of the School Health Research Network (SHRN) survey data at a lower geographical level than ever before. The dashboard contains 32 different topics for three years of the survey (2017, 2019 and 2021), with views available for gender, age, family affluence and different geographic levels. DECIPHer have also released a National Report covering a wider variety of the most recent 2021 SHRN survey data at a Wales level.


Together, the two products provide a detailed look at the health and wellbeing of students in secondary schools in Wales.


For further information on the survey please see the SHRN website